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Ayurone Dia-yoga Capusle For Diabetes

₹ 699 / 100 g ₹ 899 / 100 g


Diabetes is the abnormal condition where the person faills to make enough insulin in pancreas OR, the insulin produced in the pancreas is not able to do it's job of breaking down glucose molecules into energy and there by failing the energy management system of the body.  A person with Diabetes is at risk of developing secondary diseases and health conditions like diabetic neuropathy, diabetic nephropathy, high cholesterol irregularities, diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, sleep apnea, depression, anxiety, body pain and difficulty with physical functioning, connected sexual disorders, loss of libido, Persistent Lathargy.etc.  Diabetes makes a person lose their confidence too. The persons body responds slowly to any medications or treatments, as compared to the faster results in any other healthy person.  This essential Diabetic cure, is a mixture of many effective natural and Ayurvedic ingredients like... Boarhavia Diffusa Tribulus Terrestris Picrorrhiza Kurro Asterakanta Longifolia Tinaspora Cordifolia Saccharam Officianarum Clycyrrhiza Glabra Emblica Officimolis Terminalla Chebula Embelia Ribes Cyperus Rotundus Ricinus Commanis All these ingredients have the power to boost the natural Insulin production in the body and there by re establish the Metabolic routine of the person.  And also this combo pack is very effective in managing Diabetes, and it's associated complaints, liver functioning, urinal disorders and cardiac functioning. And it is very effective in the management of cholesterol also. All these together renews the pancreatic activity and general metabolic cycle of the person. This results in the person having a vibrant, long and quality life. 

Results of Ayurone Dia-yoga Capusle For Diabetes

Controls Diabetes and related problems

Re- Activates the dormant Sugar processing cycles in the body.

Re-Activation of the Pancreas

The herbs contained in this Combination worries directly on the pancreas and reduces the blood sugar levels

Increased Energy Levels

Increased Energy Levels